To be honest there isn't a huge selection of Gunblades on the market and with the recent event of Square-Enix cracking down on those who infringe their copyright there may be a whole lot less to choose from.
So if your looking for an official life size Final Fantasy 8 Gunblade, I'm sorry but your out of luck. The two I know of on the market are Squall's Gunblade and Seifer's Gunblade both of which are 1/6th scale but beautifully crafted by Square-Enix.
If you're able to find them anywhere else at a different scale then they're probably not legal, Square-Enix only produces the two above.
But what other options do you have, well if you don't mind imitation then your in luck, they're not exact replicas of those found in FF8, but they are "Gun Blades"
We'll start with what I think is the coolest of the non FF8 Gunblades, the X Fantasy Gun Sword (no longer available), this is a life sized Gunblade with steel blade and cast metal handle and comes with a sheath, the handle looks a little naff though. But if your after a life size steel Gunblade I think this is your best bet.
Then we have this piece (no longer available), it looks pretty cool and at 42" it's rather life size, I think it's made entirely of wood, which would make it perfect for cosplay.
Following the above items there really isn't much else, below are a few pretty unique Gunblades, but really nothing like what's in FF8.
Pirate Flintlock Pistol / Dagger Combination
1800s Flintlock Pistol / Dagger Combination
Flintlock Fantasy dagger
And lastly we have what I think is the coolest of the lot, it's not life size so that's why it's last of the list, but I think it's even cooler the FF8 Gunblades, it's got a stainless steel blade with a hardwood handle and the cast metal barrel and trigger look quality as. Awesome looking Gunblade.
Revolver Gun Blade (no longer available)
Home » Archives for February 2008
February 25, 2008
February 22, 2008
Gunblade pickings will now be pretty slim
So with the news that Square-Enix is cracking down on manufacturers of unlicensed replicas of their trademarks, copyrights etc, I think it's going to be pretty hard getting an actual life size Final Fantasy Gunblade.
What Square have on offer are a few Gunblade replicas at a scaled down size, about 10 inches, but boy are they nice looking. But other than that if you want a life size replica your going to have to go some where else, though the pickings are pretty slim and your not going to get something that looks exactly the same as the in game ones.
I'm sure the demand for life size Gunblade replicas is there, so why doesn't Square-Enix supply that demand, maybe they've got plans for something and that's why they're cracking down on pirates.
What Square have on offer are a few Gunblade replicas at a scaled down size, about 10 inches, but boy are they nice looking. But other than that if you want a life size replica your going to have to go some where else, though the pickings are pretty slim and your not going to get something that looks exactly the same as the in game ones.
I'm sure the demand for life size Gunblade replicas is there, so why doesn't Square-Enix supply that demand, maybe they've got plans for something and that's why they're cracking down on pirates.
February 7, 2008
February 6, 2008
A real nice Gunblade photo

Here's another nice collection of little gun images, the above gunblade is from the collection and it's a real beauty don't ya think.
February 5, 2008
Real Sephiroth Masamune Sword
Not a gunblade, but from the same Final Fantasy line were the term gunblade was most probably coined.
The sword featured in this users video is Sephiroth's Masamune sword, it measures 68 inches (5 feet 8 inches) with the blade being made from carbon steal.
Real Masamune! Sephiroth's Sword
*Video no longer available.
So impractical in a real life situation, unless of course you're an expert and never let anyone get to close.
The sword featured in this users video is Sephiroth's Masamune sword, it measures 68 inches (5 feet 8 inches) with the blade being made from carbon steal.
Real Masamune! Sephiroth's Sword
*Video no longer available.
So impractical in a real life situation, unless of course you're an expert and never let anyone get to close.
February 4, 2008
Real Squall Gunblade
The Gunblade in the video below is an imitation of Squall's Gunblade from Final Fantasy 8, looks cool an all, but it just doesn't seem exactly the same.
But if you're looking to buy Squall's Gunblade at something of a realistic size, so far this is the biggest I could find, well with actual pictures anyway.
Real Gunblade! Squall's Sword
*Video no longer available.
But if you're looking to buy Squall's Gunblade at something of a realistic size, so far this is the biggest I could find, well with actual pictures anyway.
*Video no longer available.
February 3, 2008
Spy weapons, even a few Gunblades
You can find a nice collection of miniature, combination spy gun images here, even a few real gunblades.
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